Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

The 16th name has been added to the

I had something to do with five of them. Such a small response does not speak well for the house of intellect.


Wednesday is reading-aloud day for me. At noon, I am the lector at Mass in Holy Cross Church and in the evening I read Rousseau’s Confessions to our neighbor Ted Adams.

+ +

Someone in the Holy See has Googled “cobh cathedral”. Who?

+ + +

Spengler on Why war comes when no one wants it.

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WGO telephoned asking if he could see me. Seems the “interior committee” that will recommend renovations to our cathedral wanted to know what I intended by starting a Google Group on Renovation: Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Albany. Told him that I wanted to create a forum in which members of the parish and community could have a say on the topic, but that I doubted if anyone will step up to the mic — none has so far.



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